Universal Laboratories
Quality Analytical Services since 1994
Easton Landfill ISO 9509 Nitrification inhibition study
•ISO 9509: Water quality-Toxicity test for assessing the inhibition of nitrification of activated sludge microorganisms
•Developed proficiency in test procedure
•Set-up a temporary lab facility to run this study in Easton Md.
•Defended study results with MDEP
Embry Dam Project
•Contracted vibra-core sampling prior to removing Dam
•Provided core analysis and sample compositing
•Field Measurements
Lab Analysis
International Paper Franklin Va. river monitoring
Provide boat and personnel for 60 mile river trip
Usually difficult winter months 3-4 days per week
Field measurements
Dissolved oxygen

Scamping Project MARAD/USDOTMA
•Proprietary underwater cleaning method for Ship Hulls provided by Underwater Services Inc.
•Provided boat and personnel to capture effluent
•Analyzed in laboratory for trace metals